Discipline(s) : Sciences Humaines et Sociales
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HIAN202T - Initiation à l'histoire (médiévale et contemporaine) 2
Semestre | Semestre 2 |
Crédits ECTS | 4 |
Volume horaire total | 25 |
Domaine(s) LMD
Langue(s) d'enseignement
Damien Carraz, Claire Judde de Larivière, Emmanuelle Perez-Tisserant, Rachel Rogers
Le cours combine des CM et des TD, et permet de travailler sur l’apprentissage des méthodes de la recherche documentaire, de l’analyse de documents et de sources, de l’acquisition des méthodes de la dissertation, du commentaire du document et de l’expression orale.
The course combines lectures and seminars, and focuses on learning the methods of documentary research, analysis of documents and sources, acquisition of essay methods, document commentary and oral expression.
The course combines lectures and seminars, and focuses on learning the methods of documentary research, analysis of documents and sources, acquisition of essay methods, document commentary and oral expression.
pour sa part, l’histoire de l’Europe durant le « long XIXe siècle » des années 1815-1918. Son objet consiste à appréhender les grands mouvements politiques, économiques et sociaux qui caractérisent le continent européen au cours de cette période en offrant un large aperçu de l’espace périphérique trop négligé ou absent de ces problématiques.
For the Medieval period, the teaching focuses on the Early Middle Ages. The aim is to study how, following the break-up of the Roman Empire, new political entities were formed in the West and how they evolved until the 9th century. In the East and in the Mediterranean area, the programme deals with the birth and spread of Islam and the transformation of the Byzantine Empire. In modern history, the course focuses on European history during what is commonly known as ‘the long 19th century’ (1800s-1914). Its aim is to give students a firmer grasp of the major political, economic and social factors which transformed European societies, from the era of the Napoleonic wars to the eve of WW1.
For the Medieval period, the teaching focuses on the Early Middle Ages. The aim is to study how, following the break-up of the Roman Empire, new political entities were formed in the West and how they evolved until the 9th century. In the East and in the Mediterranean area, the programme deals with the birth and spread of Islam and the transformation of the Byzantine Empire. In modern history, the course focuses on European history during what is commonly known as ‘the long 19th century’ (1800s-1914). Its aim is to give students a firmer grasp of the major political, economic and social factors which transformed European societies, from the era of the Napoleonic wars to the eve of WW1.
Chris Wickham, Medieval Europe, Yale, Yale University Press, 2017.
Barbara Rosenwein, A Short History of the Middle Ages, University of Toronto Press, 2014.
Richard Evans, The Pursuit of power, Europe, 1815-1914, Penguin, 2017
Barbara Rosenwein, A Short History of the Middle Ages, University of Toronto Press, 2014.
Richard Evans, The Pursuit of power, Europe, 1815-1914, Penguin, 2017