LAAN901T - Business English for specialists 3

Semestre Semestre 1
Crédits ECTS 4
Volume horaire total 36


Adèle Jacob:


Parcours Commerce international - English for Business Development and Negotiations (36h) – A. JACOB
The first part of the course combines the business development subjects of the supervised missions with the exercises the students had previously practiced during their M1 English syllabus. Students are expected to bring together their regular report on canvassing and business development within a certain region and weekly regional and sectoral reports, press reviews, and translations of corporate documents. The second part of the course focuses on negotiations, and on a direct application of the theory studied in the Negotiations class, through a series of corporate-based role plays, adapted to the situations that the students could encounter in the course of their supervised missions, future internships, or professional career.

Parcours Communication internationale : Présentation professionnelle en entreprise et Projet de communication internationale (36h) – N. FORTE
A partir d'outils théoriques et d'études de cas pratiques, ce cours, dispensé en anglais, invite les étudiant·e·s à réfléchir à la pertinence et à la cohérence des stratégies globales et des techniques de communication mises en place par des entreprises à vocation ou à dimension internationale. L’accent sera mis sur l'adaptation interculturelle aux pratiques de communication et de consommation du ou des pays cible(s), sur les techniques d’animation des réseaux sociaux et sur la dimension créative de la production de contenus. Une maîtrise linguistique fine et un lexique de spécialité devront être mobilisés pour analyser et créer des livrables dans un contexte interculturel.

Parcours Développement économique à l’international (36h) – A. SIPPEL
Britain's contemporary challenges (18h) - After a few sessions centred on roleplays in which students will be able to work on their internship applications in English, the course will be based on analyses of academic articles that question the many challenges contemporary Britain has to face. Brexit will of course feature prominently on the programme, but only as the tip of a much larger iceberg and questions about social and economic reforms since the 1980s, how to tackle environmental issues, the rise and fall of multiculturalism as an ideal are all somewhat connected to Britain's wish for independence from EU influence. Students will be expected to give well-documented 30-minute long presentations in English (with a visual support) and to take part in role plays. A written exam will be organised in the last session.
Business strategy and project management (18h) – This second part of the course brings students to make regular reports on the supervised missions, whether to the course’s instructor and/or to other contributors, including visiting scholars.